Parasoft’s Arthur Hicken on software cybersecurity — and his ‘IoT hall of shame’
Host Kevin Greene and guest Arthur Hicken, chief evangelist at Parasoft, discuss challenges in securing the Internet of Things, and best practices for installing and deploying IoT devices.
Hicken also talks about Parasoft’s static analysis tool and its participation in the Software Assurance Marketplace, a research infrastructure funded by DHS S&T to improve software assurance tools and capabilities. At the same time, he shares what’s on tap for Parasoft in 2016 and provides tips to help federal agencies improve their cybersecurity practices.
With more than 20 years of experience in Parasoft’s automating various practices, Hicken has worked on projects related to the software development life cycle, software security, complex Web applications and integration with legacy systems. Arthur has helped IT departments in Cisco, Vanguard, Motorola and other major companies improve their software development practices. Arthur taught at the College of DuPage in Illinois, and he has developed and conducted numerous technical training courses at Parasoft.
Host Kevin Greene has more than 17 years of cybersecurity and information assurance experience. His contributions to FedScoop represent his own views and do not reflect the positions or policies of any federal agency. Follow him at @iamkevtorious.
New episodes are posted every other Wednesday at noon (ET), at the beginning and middle of each month.