The new federal chief information security officer, once one is chosen, should push more collaboration between agencies and be the bridge for sharing best practices, according to…
The fanciest cybersecurity tools in the world are not going to help keep up with the advanced cybersecurity threats the nation faces unless more emphasis is placed…
Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., introduced the Botnet Prevention Act earlier this week, which would expand the Justice Department’s civil injunction…
So sophisticated have cybercrime organizations become that they more and more resemble the companies they are attacking, according to a new study out Monday.
President Barack Obama’s Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity, which met Monday in New York, is an important way the administration is trying to ensure that hackers can’t…
Cybersecurity professionals told the Obama administration’s cybersecurity commission Monday if the government is protect the global financial sector, it’s going to need to increase every effort imaginable…
The General Service Administration’s Inspector General wants the agency’s 18F unit to shut down its use of a popular workplace collaboration tool after it was found to…
Government agencies and technology companies using biometric identifiers like fingerprints or facial recognition to replace passwords should eschew large databases of citizens' personal data, a study out…
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation assured the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology that it has rectified the issues related to five inadvertent data breaches and…
The plans of the General Services Administration’s digital tiger team, 18F, to build a single online sign-in interface through which Americans can log on to digital government…