Two dozen arrested, hundreds of malicious IPs taken down in African cybercrime operation
The cybercrime and fraud operations, including fraudulent art sales, were linked to financial losses of more than $40 million.
The cybercrime and fraud operations, including fraudulent art sales, were linked to financial losses of more than $40 million.
The findings coincide with U.S. government efforts to slow malicious cyber activity related to the issue, which is ubiquitous in the technology sector.
The group shares some similarities with Fancy Bear, but is a separate organization, Trend Micro found.
New research suggests the ransomware ecosystem is smaller than the number of attacks would have you believe.
An emerging ransomware outfit builds on the affiliate model that’s made malware such an annoying problem.
Recent protests Hong Kong have been accompanied by surveillance and misinformation campaigns intended to clamp down on the activists.
A hacking group with North Korean ties has been targeting U.S. entities with malicious documents this summer as it works to hide its tracks better, according to research from Prevailion.
Phishing rates stayed mostly constant from one quarter to the next, according to a new RSA report.
The group bears a resemblance to MuddyWater.
Mirrorthief is a new group that specifically targeted an orgnization that provides code to colleges and universities.