Breakout II

2:20 PM–3:00 PM

Track A-2: Raising the Bar: Forcepoint's Experiences in the New Paradigm

George Kamis, Forcepoint Global Governments & Critical Infrastructure CTO will discuss Forcepoint's continued commitment to government IT modernization through the Raise-The-Bar initiatives for cross domain solutions. He will also discuss how Forcepoint's focus on building solid public-private partnerships with government and technology partners continues to be crucial in ensuring that we deliver technology with the most robust security and usability possible, while supporting our customers' current and future mission requirements. Forcepoint delivers commercial CDS solutions that enable secure practices while also streamlining efficient and secure access to, and transfer of, mission-critical information.

George Kamis, CTO, Global Governments & Critical Infrastructure, Forcepoint
Jason Ostermann, Chief Engineer, High Speed Transfer, G2CI, Forcepoint
Track B-2: DEFEND: Tackling the Next Steps of the CDM Program

Nation-state, mercenary, cyber-jihadist and other adversaries continue to exploit vulnerabilities in Frankensteined legacy systems despite the growing outcry among agency and legislative leaders demanding action. Meaningful change requires tools which give agency leaders the agility, flexibility, visibility, and contract vehicles to quickly acquire new, cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions.

To address this constant and evolving threat, DHS established the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program, a multi-phased approach to outfitting federal agencies with the skills, insight, and tools necessary for effective cybersecurity.

Dynamic and Evolving Federal Enterprise Network Defense (DEFEND), the new $3.4 billion acquisition strategy tied to CDM Phases 3 and 4, builds upon CDM’s existing phases to create a stronger cybersecurity posture that adapts to real-time changes in risk, ultimately helping to reduce the federal government’s threat surface. By leveraging CDM DEFEND, federal agencies will have easier access to technologies which address critical areas such as automation, incident response, data protection, and cloud and mobile security.

  • Hear from public and private sector leaders with direct experience implementing and operationalizing CDM DEFEND
  • Learn how your agency can leverage the program to cost-effectively modernize and fortify cybersecurity

Carlene Ileto, Executive Director, Product & Services Delivery Management Office, DHS
Eric Trexler, VP, Global Governments & Critical Infrastructure Sales, Forcepoint
Track C-2: Trust but Verify, Building an Insider Threat Program

Insider threat vulnerabilities to the U.S. government and private sector have risen as observed with recent cases escalated to the forefront. In this breakout session, learn who perpetrates insider threats, their motives and what factors make an organization potentially more vulnerable to insider threat. This will include lessons that might be drawn from recent cases to include those of NSA contractor Harold Martin and Wikileaks.

Other topics to be covered include the course of a typical insider threat case, the key objectives of a successful insider threat program; how an organization's insider threat team is best organized and the reporting procedures that characterize an effective insider threat program. Issues of privacy and the collection of sensitive personal information undertaken will also be addressed.

Mark Kelton, Director, MEK & Associates, LLC